My Journey. My story.

#7 Healthy relationships

  Have you ever asked yourself; what a realistic and healthy relationship looks like to you? Take away all of what you read about on social media or what you...

#7 Healthy relationships

  Have you ever asked yourself; what a realistic and healthy relationship looks like to you? Take away all of what you read about on social media or what you...

#6 Our menstrual cycles are our biggest teachers

As a woman our menstrual cycles are the most powerful thing we have, yet so many of us want to suppress them because we hate having them. From the second...

#6 Our menstrual cycles are our biggest teachers

As a woman our menstrual cycles are the most powerful thing we have, yet so many of us want to suppress them because we hate having them. From the second...

#5 Healing my relationship with my Dad

  If you've followed me long enough you'll know that I've never had a relationship with my Dad up until recently but its something I've never really spoken about and...


#5 Healing my relationship with my Dad

  If you've followed me long enough you'll know that I've never had a relationship with my Dad up until recently but its something I've never really spoken about and...


#4 Spirituality

Over the past year since this pandemic started I have noticed a lot of people are having awakenings. More people are coming to me asking me about spirituality. With the...

#4 Spirituality

Over the past year since this pandemic started I have noticed a lot of people are having awakenings. More people are coming to me asking me about spirituality. With the...

#3 The girl I AM

It’s taken me quite some time to sit and write this next blog. I’ve sat with it every week but I just wasn’t feeling into it like I was the...

#3 The girl I AM

It’s taken me quite some time to sit and write this next blog. I’ve sat with it every week but I just wasn’t feeling into it like I was the...

#2 The girl I'm becoming

It’s a New year, 2019. I was feeling much better in myself than ever before, I was growing as a person and just felt positive about life. I decided to...

#2 The girl I'm becoming

It’s a New year, 2019. I was feeling much better in myself than ever before, I was growing as a person and just felt positive about life. I decided to...